• Exploring Dependence – Hearing from God in the Gospels

    November 5, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous article)

    For 400 years God went silent.

    After the ministry of Malachi, we have no record of any communication from God until John the Baptist. But as we move into the Gospels, there is a flurry of communication, centering on Jesus’ arrival.

    Zacharias receives a message from God through the angel, Gabriel, promising him a son –  John the Baptist (Luke 1:8-20). Note that, because he doubted the message, the angel muted him until John was born.
    Gabriel …


  • Exploring Dependence – Yes, No, Later

    October 29, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous article)

    “God hears & answers every prayer. Yes. No. Later. Those are his answers.”

    I don’t recall how long it’s been since I first heard that, but I know it showed up pretty early in my journey. Maybe bible college. Nevertheless, I do remember how obviously true it seemed. Indeed, it seems to be accepted as God’s truth in evangelical circles today.

    Perhaps, because it makes the point that God answers our prayer in His time, not …


  • Exploring Dependence – God’s Guidance in the Old Testament

    October 22, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    God gets blamed for a lot of stuff.

    When Kasie and I were in Bible College, the church we attended had an extensive children’s ministry, which, of course, required a lot of workers. Two of these workers, a man and a woman, – married, but not to each other – were convinced that God was leading them to divorce their spouses and run off together to get married.  In Vegas.

    Also from Bible College comes the …


  • Embracing the Bull

    October 1, 2012 Agendas


    (A Note to Those Following The Exploring Dependence article series – These articles have always been about sharing the adventures of my journey with God. For the most part, they have reflected one long conversation, as it naturally unfolds. But occasionally, I sense that I should share from a different portion of my journey. This is one of those occasions. I plan to return to Dependence with the next article.)

    (Previous article)

    My Dad used to tell …


  • Exploring Dependence – The God of Coincidences?

    September 24, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    It’s one thing to read about the people of Israel receiving God’s direction through the cloud and the pillar of fire (Numbers 9:15-23). It is quite another to know what that might mean for us today. Do we have a cloud or a pillar of fire to consult? How do we know what we should do?

    Recently, I came across Lisa Whelchel’s story (the actress who played “Blair” on Facts of Life in the 80’s) …


  • Exploring Dependence – The Question of God’s Leading

    September 17, 2012 Agendas

    (Previous Article)

    Is our dependence on God for Provision and Protection the most fundamental expression of our dependence in this life?

    For me, one of the most interesting pieces of our study of Dependence was the Lesson of the Manna. Obviously, it was focused on God’s Provision. The manna itself was an expression of His daily provision, but God was also in the process of providing them much more.

    Ultimately, the manna would be replaced by the abundance …


  • Exploring Dependence – Balancing the Agenda

    September 10, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    I’ve heard confidence defined as “that feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.” Actually, I first saw that on a t-shirt. Bought the shirt.

    Now, while the picture on the shirt sets that definition in the context of outdoor adventure, I have found it true in many areas of life.

    For example, I was confident I understood my health insurance policy deductible. Turns out, I did not yet fully understand the situation.


  • Exploring Dependence – Faithfulness in Money Management

    August 27, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    It’s Monday morning, and this week is off to an obstinate start.

    I needed to make a payment by phone. Expected it to take five minutes. Took an hour.

    Then, I got ready to head out to Starbucks to work on this article and I couldn’t find my mug. After more than 10 years of officing at Starbucks, it recently occurred to me that one of those insulated steel mugs would keep my tea hot throughout …


  • Exploring Dependence – Possessions And Relationships

    August 13, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    As a result of the question I posted last week, I was discussing the issue of being a “lover of money” with some friends. In the course of our conversation, it was suggested that, perhaps, we are not so much lovers of money, but lovers of security.

    This idea helped us move beyond a cursory response to the question, and begin to dig into the issue a bit. But I don’t believe it got us …


  • Exploring Dependence – Lover of Money?

    August 6, 2012 Agendas, Exploring Dependence (Article Series)

    (Previous Article)

    Over the last several weeks, we have looked at three of the priorities regarding our use of the money and possessions God has entrusted to us:

    Provide for my needs, and those of my family
    Share to provide for the needs of others within the body
    Share with those who devote their full attention to the proclamation of the Gospel

    Now, at first glance, that seems like a pretty comprehensive list, but there is one more issue that …