As I look back over the last few articles, I realize that four weeks ago, we examined the commitments Jesus required of those who would follow Him (Luke 14:25-34), summarizing His point:
In other words, it will cost you everything. Your agenda and your means. There is no room for any competing agenda. No place for keeping back resources to be used as you wish, to live independently of Christ.
I had planned to explain how that might look in our lives the following week, but now, three articles later, I haven’t quite gotten to that question.
While each of the discussions since has been related to the issue of dependence, and, I hope, may have been beneficial, I see that I am struggling to maintain focus.
When I started these articles, my plan was to devote Mondays to writing, getting the ball rolling on that week’s article. Then over the rest of the week, I would refine it so that it was ready to publish the following week. But, as the months have passed, there have been various intrusions, so that my original schedule has become significantly eroded. Instead of devoting a week to each article, I am producing them in less than 24 hours.
In the last few weeks, I have begun working on the article Monday morning, but by 6:00 pm, the first draft is only about half finished. A break for supper, and then a bible study with a group of friends takes me until about 9:30 PM.
By this time, my brain is pretty numb, so I go to sleep until 2:00 am, and then get up and finish the article, posting the final version by 5:30 am. Then, it’s back to bed for a little more sleep before getting going on my “real” Tuesday schedule.
Ideally, I would like to start working on the next article that afternoon, but in reality, it’s at least Thursday morning before I have recovered from Monday night/Tuesday morning. And then, the first thing I know, it’s Monday again.
As I was in the middle of this routine again this afternoon, I realized that the current pace is not sustainable. I have to get back to spending a week on each article. I am not merely sharing my thoughts, I am handling God’s truth.
So, I’m not going to try to grind out another article tonight. I am going to get a good night’s sleep, and tomorrow, I will start fresh, with a renewed commitment to devote a week to the development of each article.
In the meantime, thank you for allowing me to share my journey, and the things God is teaching me with you. And thanks for your patience as I learn the craft of writing.
If you are so inclined, you can review any of the previous articles from here.